Home Appliances/
Industrial Laundry
The Home Appliance market includes Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, Washers & Dryers, and other smart appliances. Fuji Electric offers Home Appliance devices that provide a high-reliability power solution with control features to ensure your home is operating smoothly. See below to learn more about how our Semiconductor modules optimize your home appliance applications.
Industrial Laundry systems are used for large-scale washing operations. A typical industrial machine can hold up to 115Ibs of washing in one go, compared to an average of 20Ibs for a regular home washing machine. See below to learn how Fuji Electric offers energy-saving AC Drives for commercial laundry.
Room Air Conditioners
Room Air Conditioners are an essential system in our homes. Our products provide the required optimized control with a significant increase in efficiency. Fuji Electric offers high performance and effective products for this application.
Refrigerators are a vital appliance in every home. Fuji Electric power semiconductors provide a significant reduction in power losses for greater efficiency and energy savings. Learn how we offer maximized operating temperatures and improved performance refrigerators.
Smart Vacuum Cleaners
Smart Vacuums and other autonomous systems rely on performance and innovation gained through high-efficiency power semiconductors. Fuji Electric power semiconductors provides significant reduction in power losses. Learn more about how our products offer high performance and high efficiency.
Washers & Dryers
Washers & Dryers are vital systems in all households. Home appliances require optimized control with a significant increase in efficiency. You can be sure that our products offer high performance and high efficiency.
Industrial Laundry
Industrial Laundry systems are vital in hotels, dormitories, hospitals, etc. as these systems provide a hygienic environment for everyone. Fuji Electric offer efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and provide better control over operations.